Thursday, February 14, 2013

Arriving in Addis Ababa

Arriving in Addis there was the same old feeling walking off the plane. The air full of spice, frankincense and eucalyptus.   I have spent a couple of beautiful days in Addis Ababa.   My aunt arrived in the city the evening of the same day of my arrival.   We spent our days in Addis arranging itineraries and dropping off gifts from family and friends in North America.   Our evenings were spent at restaurants with friends that my aunt and my dad have known since they went to school together. 

There is some really delicious food in the city.   Of course there is absolutely outstanding national food available all around Addis, but the international fare can be pretty great too.   The key for finding good international food is  asking for restaurant recommendations .  
As Addis Ababa has increasingly become a transit centre for travellers (Bole airport has a great many regularly scheduled connecting flights) its popularity as a  great place to have a bit of a longer stop over  has also increased.   As a matter of fact, even on this last flight I took from Toronto to Addis one fellow who was heading to Nigeria was lamenting the fact that he didn't have a long enough stop over in Addis to go eat somewhere in the city.   Anyway, if ever occasioned to stop over, I highly recommend it!

I visited a restaurant called  Giordana's Kitchen Restaurant  for the first time and it really stood out for its high quality italian food.   It is a fair ways away from the airport so it's maybe not ideal for a short stop over.   But, wow!   The food was beautifully balanced and every dish I tasted had complexity and depth.   The restaurant is named after the chef.   She also has a popular cooking TV show in Addis. 

As lovely as Addis has been, I am greatly looking forward to heading to Adigrat to visit with my Grandma.

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