Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Battle of Adowa - Agamé Elders

On March 1st 1896, the Battle of Adowa between Italy and Ethiopia took place and became known as the prelude to the end of colonization.   How fitting that this battle fought with such ferocity of heart, blades vs guns, knowledge of landscape overwhelming military training, this fight for liberty and autonomy and to be respected as a self governing black nation, occurred in the land known as the cradle of mankind.   And became a source of inspiration for the fight for equality and autonomy around the world.   

I’ve found in my readings about Adowa that the contributions of the Agamé people to this battle are often sidelined, reduced to a sentence or two, or a page or two.   I’ve also occasionally encountered in conversations a very  misguided understandings of the Agamé role, opinions built on hearsay and prejudice.   There is an interesting story to be told about the Agamé role in the Battle of Adowa.   I’m hoping to capture some of it in this Elders of Agamé project.

The Elders of Agamé project will not likely raise the entire $10,000 project budget in two weeks time (when the indiegogo campaign ends) but we do have several pledges which should come in this week.   If we hit $5,000 before the end of March then we will film in April, if it takes longer, we'll plan to film after the rains in September.   And this is where we'll transfer all our fundraising activities to after our indiegogo campaign is over in two weeks, our permanent website at: .   Thanks for all your support already!

It can be argued that the Battle has further enhanced the symbolic significance of Ethiopia in Africa, the Americas and the Caribbean. Ethiopia has become a symbol of the anti-colonial movements throughout the world. - See more at:
Adwa as Davidson aptly puts it has become a prelude to decolonization in Africa. - See more at:
Adwa as Davidson aptly puts it has become a prelude to decolonization in Africa. - See more at:


  1. War is a fascinating subject. Despite the dubious morality of using violence to achieve personal or political aims. It remains that conflict has been used to do just that throughout recorded history.

    Your article is very well done, a good read.

  2. Thank you as a man from Haiti we would like to know how. Was that you broke the chains of colonialism before they were ever wrapped around your neck , true men .
